Understanding Our Community's Shopping Habits
A 12-Month Consumer Survey Initiative
Buy Local Creston Valley is launching an innovative year-long consumer survey to gain much needed insights into the shopping patterns and needs of residents across the Creston Valley and Kootenay Lake Region.
This comprehensive monthly survey will track everything from grocery purchases to entertainment spending, creating a detailed picture of our community’s consumer behavior and preferences. By participating, you’re helping to shape the future of our local business community. Each survey response provides valuable data that will be shared with local businesses at no cost, empowering them to make informed decisions about inventory, services, and business development.
Whether it’s identifying gaps in product availability, understanding price sensitivities, or discovering new market opportunities, your input will directly influence how our local businesses evolve to serve you better.
The results of the survey will be provided for free to businesses registered to Buy Local Creston Valley, so there is no barrier to entry for this economy building information.
As a thank you for your participation, each monthly survey completion enters you into a draw for a $1000 Buy Local Creston Valley Gift Card. That’s twelve chances to win while helping strengthen our local economy!
Join us in this important initiative. Together, we can build a more resilient and responsive local business community that better serves everyone in our region.

January Survey
Available March 1st

Available April 1st

Available May 1st

Available June 1st

Available July 1st

Available August 1st

Available September 1st

Available October 1st

Available November 1st

Available December 1st

Available January 1st, 2026